Monday, February 26, 2007

Balls in the 1800's

Vulcanized rubber ball design by Charles Goodyear 1855

In it’s early years of invention, the soccer ball was made using the pig’s bladder .
The creation of the ball was genuinely depending on the quality or conditions of the bladder. Being the core material, the bladder gave the most significant impact on the ball’s features. The better the quality of the bladder, the more perfect and proficient ball will be formed.

However, as the technology started to enhance, the research and development were adapted further.Consequently, the formation of the soccer ball had also undergo its revolution. This was when rubber started to be used to construct a ball.

The history of the rubber ball started in 1836 when Charles Goodyear patented the vulcanized rubber. In 1855, the first batch of vulcanized rubber soccer balls (footballs) were designed and produced by Charles Goodyear. Being the masterpiece of football history, it is now being displayed at the National Soccer Hall of Fame which is located in Oneonta, NY, USA.

Mass production of soccer balls started as a direct consequence of the English Football League that was founded in 1888. Mitre and Thomlinson's of Glasgow were two of the first companies to mass produce soccer balls during that time. They touted that the key element in a quality football was how well it could retain it's shape. Strength of the leather and the skills of the cutters and stitchers were the main factors in producing a football that would retain it's shape. The top grade covers were made with leather from the rump of a cow while lower quality balls were made from the shoulder. Advances in ball design came with the development of interlocking panels instead of the previously used leather sections that met at the north and south poles of the ball. The balls were then produced with a more acceptable round shape.

Match ball used in the FA Cup Final of 1893

Wolves 1 Everton 0


Unknown said...

that helped

Unknown said...

when in rome, dont dance on the streets naked cuz they totally dont like that seriously dude

Unknown said...

Pickles are really cool

Unknown said...

pickles are really cool. i love to cha-cha ina dala palla. sweeeeeeet!