Adidas started to make soccer balls in 1963 but made the first official FIFA World Cup ball in 1970.
The TELSTAR was again used
The ball design represented elegance, dynamism and passion.
Spain, 1982 ( Tango Espana )
Adidas introduced a new ball which had rubber inlaid over the seams to prevent water from seeping through. The first ball with water-resistant qualities. General wear from kicking however meant the rubber began to wear after a short time and needed to be replaced during the game.
The FIFA World Cup Mexico, saw the introduction of the first polyurethane coated ball which was rain-resistant.
By 1998, FIFA World Cup France was played with a ball which sported the French red-white-blue tri-color. A complete departure from the old traditional black and white pattern. The first official World Cup colored soccer ball.
Korea Japan, 2002 ( Fevernova )
For FIFA World Cup Korea Japan, 2002, Adidas created a new ball made up of thicker inner layers to increase the accuracy of the ball in flight.
For FIFA World Cup Germany, 2006